• la-rotonde
  • terrains-de-sport
  • seminaire-et-formation

The origin

Le Camp is an independent non-profit organisation placed under the surveillance of the Swiss Confederation.

logo UCJGThe Foundation's aim is to encourage, promote and facilitate community and associative life, particularly among young people. This is a means of training for learning respect for others, dialogue, exchanges, openness and tolerance, as these values contribute greatly to the promotion of solidarity and democracy. Thus, differences of any kind become sources of personal enrichment.


It was created by the Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA).

The Foundation Board is composed of 13 volunteer members. Five have been elected to the Advisory Bureau in addition to Le Camp's Director.

Le Camp's team of professionals collaborates with seasonal employees and volunteers during times of need.

Le Camp in brief...

A meeting, training and holiday centre forming a village of independent, complementary modular pavilions spread over a vast area with sports, leisure and forest grounds overlooking Lake Neuchâtel, the Camp offers a wide range of flexible services and activities for small groups or up to 300 people.

...the mission

A place of values: meeting people, practising tolerance, accepting differences as a source of richness, living in society and experiencing responsibility are needs recognised by the Camp, for young people in particular. In an ever-changing society where individualism and competitiveness are on the increase, the Camp aims to be a place of resource and inspiration, helping to actively promote the fundamental values of a society with a human face: dialogue, respect for others and solidarity.

A place of influence: many young people - and not-so-young people - have fond memories of their stay at the Camp, and have found it personally enriching. They are our best ambassadors throughout Switzerland and in all walks of life. They are our main vector of publicity.

A place of public benefit: open to people with reduced mobility and modest incomes, the Camp offers an invigorating environment and appropriate supervision, contributing to addiction prevention work (drugs, alcohol, etc...), healthy lifestyles and the opportunity to live together with people from other backgrounds and cultures, contributing in particular to understanding between French-speaking and German-speaking Swiss.

...the situation

Situated in the cantons of Vaud and Neuchâtel, Le Camp estate covers 10 hectares, with around fifteen buildings and pavilions, playgrounds and sports areas, and a landscaped forest, all overlooking Lake Neuchâtel. Le Camp is located in the communes of Concise (VD) and Vaumarcus (NE). It is directly accessible from the A5 motorway via Vaumarcus. A post bus stop is a 15-minute walk from Le Camp, on the Yverdon-les-Bains (SBB station) - St-Aubin (SBB station) line.

At the foot of the Creux-du-Van nature reserve, backing onto the magnificent Bois de Seyte, Le Camp enjoys a breathtaking view of the lake and the Alps. You can't help but feel an immense respect for nature and a desire to protect this haven of peace. This is probably what has guided the craftsmen in the construction and various improvements made to Le Camp over more than a century of history. The harmony that emanates from the camp and its nickname of "Inspired Hill" are a testament to this.

...the structure

Le Camp is an independent not-for-profit foundation set up by the Unions chrétiennes de Jeunes Gens (UCJG in French, CVJM or Cevi in German and YMCA in English), under the supervision of the Swiss Confederation (DFI). The Board of Trustees is made up of 13 members, all volunteers, who elect a 5-member Board Bureau and the Camp's Operations Manager.
Le Camp employs around ten people a year, supplemented as necessary by auxiliary staff and volunteers.

...the offer

Le Camp offers its guests modular para-hotel accommodation in rooms and small dormitories, varied and flexible catering services, from home cooking to banquets, multi-purpose rooms for meetings and other activities with modern audiovisual facilities, sports pitches to J+S standards with synthetic surfaces, play areas and a landscaped forest for leisure activities. There is direct access to the lake for walkers and swimmers. Numerous attractions and events are located close to Le Camp.

Le camp is a 20-minute drive from Neuchâtel and a 15-minute drive from Yverdon-les-Bains, where there are numerous cultural and sports facilities on offer. Le camp is also a 15-minute drive from Les Rochats, one of the entry points to the largest Nordic ski area in the Vaud Jura.

Today, Le Camp offers 10 hectares of land, 162 beds and 127 dormitory places in 12 buildings, 19 multi-purpose rooms of various sizes and equipment, 7 kitchens with capacities ranging from 10 to 300 place settings, 2 amphitheatres, 1 synthetic football pitch, 2 modular volleyball, basketball and handball courts, several playgrounds, and a forest with marked trails and facilities for orienteering.

A number of themed camps and holidays take place throughout the year and are open to everyone, for children, adults, families, seniors, etc...

Le Camp will always work with its guests to find the most appropriate solutions, including in terms of the budget available.

...the clients

Le Camp is a meeting, training and holiday centre open to all types of groups without distinction of any kind other than respect for others and the environment. Le Camp's aim is to serve the entire civil community, far beyond its roots. School classes (green camps) and apprentices make up the majority of groups hosted at Le Camp. They are followed by associations with social aims, including people with reduced mobility, youth groups, religious groups of all denominations, associations with cultural aims, professional seminars, sports clubs, music and singing societies, family gatherings, etc...

Le Camp also plays a role in national cohesion by welcoming many school classes from German-speaking Switzerland every year. For most of these pupils, it's their first contact with French-speaking Switzerland. Many of them then return with their parents for a visit, an excursion or even a holiday.

In 2023, Le Camp welcomed around 18,500 guests, representing over 21,500 overnight stays.

...the finance

Le Camp offers à la carte services to suit almost any budget. Overnight accommodation in a children's dormitory with kitchen facilities costs around CHF 18. Full board in a double room for adults costs CHF 78 per person (2024 rates). These low rates are made possible by the large amount of work carried out by volunteers and by external funding (through donations) covering major renovation, modernisation and infrastructure replacement work.

Le Camp's sales currently stand at around CHF 1.990 million and are growing fairly steadily. Prices are adjusted moderately when food and energy costs rise.

The proceeds from the fees charged to Camp guests cover direct and indirect costs and ongoing maintenance. The 13 members of the Foundation Board are volunteers and receive no remuneration. For infrastructure work, Le Camp launches fundraising campaigns with generous institutional and private donors, in particular loyal guests, grouped together under the name "Friends of Le Camp". The main donors are the Loterie Romande and the DSR Foundation (Eldora catering group). La Fondation Le Camp, its Board, staff and guests would like to express their sincere gratitude.

Find out more:

You can find out more information about Le Camp Foundation by downloading the files below. Please do not hesitate to Contact us for any additional information.

Le Camp's latest news

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The flavours of autumn are back on 30 September 2023 at La Fondation Le Camp. For…

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On 3 November 2023, the Camp Foundation is organising a fund-raising meal to help finance our…
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