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It has been a long time since the Camp had a sign marking its location.

A panel with the inscription Le Camp on the east facade of the Zwingli building had suffered the ravages of time and had become almost invisible through the foliage of the trees that hid it. Or else, it was necessary to come to the Camp during the winter, but the show was pitiful, to the point that it was decided to remove this sign. But this has created a new problem: how to remedy this situation advantageously? Various proposals were considered, from a portico over the road at the entrance to the Camp to a totem pole on the right side of the road when arriving by car, to a variety of signs and flags. Faced with the impossibility of finding a good solution that is largely appropriate, the brand's problem has been “forgotten” for many years. I mean, once you get there, it's not hard to guess that you're at Le Camp, isn’t it?

The lack of furniture storage space in the renovated main building prompted the purchase of 2 maritime containers installed in the parking lot just in front of the pyre. Although new and galvanized, it must be recognized that these new premises don’t have the greatest look, nor are in accordance with the general architecture of the Camp. Moreover, when getting out of the car, the visitor cannot fail to see the east side of a container first, but the Camp offers better views. However, this location was the one that proved to be both the most functional and the least disturbing. . . .

Sothe sign issue suddenly came back on the agenda to kill two birds with one stone. The presentation of the new logo and design of the Camp in the form of a tarpaulin stretched over the visible side of a container very quickly brought everyone to an agreement. The Camp hopes that you will enjoy this enhancement of the site that is dear to us.

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