The Camp was lucky enough to host international women's unihockey teams for about ten days.
This is in connection with the World Cup, which takes place between 7 and 15 December 2019 in the Neuchâtel region.
A total of three teams have taken up residence at the Camp: the Latvian team, the Polish team and the American team ( in the picture). They are assisted in their organization by the Swiss team, which helped them book their stay and arrange transportation to the Maladière.
For the first time, they discovered the Neuchâtel region, and for some, Switzerland in general.
When they arrived at the Camp Foundation, the reactions were all similar: "Wow, what a view," exclaimed the players, under the spell of the landscape surrounding the Camp.
They quickly took up residence and tried, between two competitions, to rest in order to put all the chances on their side.
However, this will not be enough: after several days of intense competition, the American, then Latvian and Polish teams will be eliminated from the tournament. The Swiss team will face Finland in the final and will leave the competition with the silver medal around their neck. A fine victory for this competition "at home".
The experience was a great one for the international players, who will keep an unforgettable memory of the snow-covered Alps at the other end of the lake, with Vaumarcus Hill in the foreground.