A softener now equips the water supply to the buildings in the upper row: Zwingli, Peupliers, Main Building and Office.
The water supplied by the municipal network is of excellent quality, but very "hard", it contains a high level of limescale, which accumulates in the distribution pipes, taps, water heaters and kitchen infrastructures. In the latter case, routine maintenance and frequent repairs disrupt its proper functioning and are costly. Recently, the intermunicipal connection of water networks has further worsened the situation.
After a thorough study and many contacts, the Camp chose an innovative system for the removal of limestone: the injection of small quantities of CO2 into the network (the same carbon dioxide as that used for sparkling water), which liquefies the limestone and allows it to "flow" with the water without disturbance and even partially dissolve the limestone previously accumulated in the infrastructure. This system has been preferred to the other two classics in this field: demineralization with salt, which neutralizes all minerals, which is not recommended for drinking water, and the magnetic system, which breaks down limestone, which will thus tend to accumulate less, but does not remove it.
The installation of this water softener puts the Camp at the forefront of technology in this metter and will provide considerable comfort, both for our guests and especially for water drinkers, as well as for our cooks and our employees in charge of maintenance.